Ukraine's Civil War is of Global Historical Importance
June 8, 2014 — The "players" in "The Great Game," this time around, are, broadly speaking, West versus East; those are the two contending "teams," of aristocracies. USA is the leading participant on the western side, and has the backing of Europe's aristocracies via the IMF; and Russia is the leading participant on the eastern side, and has wrangled the backing of China's aristocrats. The West is far better-funded than the East, and, so, this is a war that the East did not want, and had hoped to avoid, but that has been thrust upon them, by the Obama-initiated coup that took place in Ukraine during late February 2014, and also by the Obama-initiated massacre that occurred in Odessa on May 2nd (the event that immediately sparked Ukraine's civil war) . . .
Lots of people in southeastern Ukraine, as the bombs are raining down on them from Blackwater (now called 'Academi') mercenaries and the Kiev Government, are shocked and enraged that Putin hasn't sent in Russian tanks, but the Russian leader knows that doing that would be exactly what the propagandists in the West are hoping for, in order to provide a pretext for Western governments overtly to provide troops and materiel to the Kiev central government, and really expand this thing. As I have formerly documented (see those links), the reason for this operation against Russia is basically to preserve the dollar as the world's reserve currency. If Putin can hold out long enough, the dollar will collapse and so will the US economy; but it's probably going to happen anyway, and so the longer that Putin remains "weak" against the US assault, the sooner will come that likely US collapse. This will thus be a war of nerves between Obama and Putin: Obama, to hold off the US collapse; and Putin, to prevent a Russian collapse.
Read the full story: http://www.globalresearch.ca/why-ukraines-civil-war-is-of-global-historical-importance/5386040
Historian Eric Zuesse wrote: "The "players" in "The Great Game," this time around, are, broadly speaking, West versus East; those are the two contending "teams," of aristocracies."
If he had a deeper understanding of history and of the Holy Bible, he would have recognized that the contending teams are the Seed of the Serpent (physical and spiritual) against Adam's race in the East and in the West, because Esau has the dominion, and God set enmity in his heart against the seed of the first and the last Adam (Genesis 3:15; 27:39-41).
The Vatican has all the 501(c)3 "churches" pretty much "in the bag." The New World Order have their puppet, Obama, performing according to script, and the 'hidden hand' is holding the Judaeo-Communist ace card until they have "squeezed all they can out of the United States, [and when the beast system breaks its agreement with their international banksters, both the Vatican and the USA] can dry up and blow away [in a nuclear (real) holocaust according to prophecy]".
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