Do we really need to re-start the Cold War?
June 6, 2014 — A recent CNN Poll found that 29% of Americans think that Russia is a "Very serious threat" to the United States, and that 40% consider it a "Moderately serious threat." That's 69% who consider it a "serious threat."
In 2012, only 11% considered it a "Very serious threat," and 33% considered it a "Moderately serious threat." 44% then considered Russia a "serious threat." The huge surge in fear of Russia—from 44% to 69%—seems to be due entirely to Ukraine. 81% of poll-respondents said that "Russia's actions in Ukraine are—a violation of international law." Only 12% said that it's not. Asked whether "there was any justification for Russia's actions in Ukraine," 72% said "No," and only 17% said "Yes."
When asked "Do you think it is likely or not that there will be a new cold war," 48% said "Likely," and 49% said "Not likely."
And when asked "Do you worry about the possibility of nuclear war with Russia," 40% said "Yes," and 59% said "No."
The threat feared from Russia is mainly of their troops, who are manning bases for Russian Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), all of which are located inside Russia. By contrast, the US has troops in many countries, which include the following nations where our soldiers are stationed (and this includes ones with missile bases located near Russia): Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan. We also have some soldiers in other former parts of the USSR: Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
We also have nearly 35,000 troops stationed in Japan, a nation near Russia and that claims ownership of four small Sakhalin Islands and two small Kuril Islands, from Russia.
The United States is, of course, not surrounded by any Russian soldiers at all—not in Mexico, nor in Canada, nor anywhere near this country, except Russia itself near Alaska . . .
This article, "The Rise of US Nuclear Primacy" in Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations states: "Even as the United States' nuclear forces have grown stronger since the end of the Cold War, Russia's strategic nuclear arsenal has sharply deteriorated. Russia has 39 percent fewer long-range bombers, 58 percent fewer ICBMs, and 80 percent fewer SSBNs than the Soviet Union fielded during its last days. The true extent of the Russian arsenal's decay, however, is much greater than these cuts suggest. What nuclear forces Russia retains are hardly ready for use. Russia's strategic bombers, now located at only two bases and thus vulnerable to a surprise attack, rarely conduct training exercises, and their warheads are stored off-base. Over 80 percent of Russia's silo-based ICBMs have exceeded their original service lives, and plans to replace them with new missiles have been stymied by failed tests and low rates of production."
Moreover, "Compounding these problems, Russia's early warning system is a mess." Furthermore, "Outside experts predict that the actual cuts [in Russia's missiles] will slice 50 to 75 percent off the current force, possibly leaving Russia with as few as 150 ICBMs by the end of the decade, down from its 1990 level of almost 1,300 missiles. The more Russia's nuclear arsenal shrinks, the easier it will become for the United States to carry out a first strike."
According to the authors, the assumption by US military planners is that, though there might be a nuclear bomb or two that might hit the US from Russia, the US would emerge stronger after the nuclear conflict than before, and that the only issue left to be resolved is when would be the appropriate time to do this (presumably some time when the ABMs have been installed in as many countries neighboring Russia as possible, countries such as Ukraine). (After all: being located so near, the Russians would have only a few minutes to fire off their missiles in response—they'd be done for.) . . .
As of the year 2013, the US spent $640 billion per year on the military, whereas Russia spent $87.8 billion per year on its military. The US spent 36.6% of the planet's military budget, and Russia spent 5.0%. There is no reason for the American public to fear Russia, though (because of the constant propaganda) they do.
For the people of the United States to fear Russia is a violation of basic logic, especially considering the US is actually pursuing military dominance of the world, whereas no other country in the world is, or even can. The US percentage of 36.6% of the world's military budget dwarfs #2 China's percentage of 10.8%, and especially dwarfs #3 Russia's 5.0%. #4 Furthermore, Saudi Arabia's 3.8%, is allied with the US. So is #5 France's 3.5%. So is #6 U.K.'s 3.3%. So is #7 Germany's 2.8%. So is #8 Japan's 2.8%. So is #9 India's 2.7%. So is #10 South Korea's 1.9%. "We" spend collectively 57.6% of the world's total, whereas Russia spends only 5%.
If we assume that we are driving Russia to ally itself with China (a reasonable assumption to make, for Russia's protection), then both of those countries together are spending 15.8% on "their side," while the US and its allies are spending 57.4%—and that's just including the world's top ten spenders. "We" are then spending 36.6 times as much as "they" are. On a worldwide basis, including all nations, the US and its allies are spending more than 80% of all of this planet's military expenditures. And yet "we" fear "them" (Russia and China). If our military planners are looking forward to a day when the US can nuclear-destroy Russia with impunity, then creating this fear of Russia will help, not only in order to make America's public support destroying Russia, but in order to get us to accept some US casualties in a nuclear war from a few Russian missiles that might slip through the ABM net.
The current conflict inside (the former) Ukraine has spiked this fear by the US public, which can help prepare the US public to support a nuclear invasion of Russia. . . The US Government controls the IMF; and, together, they caused the civil war that now ravages Ukraine. While President Obama has never spoken about his having caused this civil war, much less about why he did it, he unquestionably did.
Source: http://www.globalresearch.ca/do-we-really-need-to-re-start-the-cold-war/5385849
The 'hidden hand' of the New World Order, their Empire of the City of London and the Vatican are using Russia, just as they used Germany in two created World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Somalia, Syria, Iran, and Muslims generally. This is another fabrication and it is "rigged reality." Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in 2002, "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away".
The New World Order controlled both sides of "the cold war". This was fabricated drama designed to fool the world and further the New World Order takeover of the world.
Those who are walking in the Light of the Truth (King James Bible), what Jesus is doing now, know from Bible prophecy what is written in Daniel 9:27; Revelation 17:11-18; 18:8-20. They know the Vatican is the 1st beast of Revelation 13, and the USA is the 2nd beast of Revelation 13.

Following the attacks on the United States (Revelation 16:18; 18:21-24) and the cleaving of the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:4-5; Revelation 16:19), through a federation of the world's religions under the Vatican, all will agree to the establishment of Satan's one world government under the leadership of the Antichrist: Pope John Paul II.
Armageddon will set in and Gog the then chief ruler will exercise their "Samson option" in a real holocaust bringing the consummation of life.
The Maine! A false flag lie to create a war!
The Lusitania! A false flag lie to involve us in world war I.
Pearl Harbor! A false flag created by the communist FDR to drag us into another world war.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident! A false flag LIE to escalate the Vietnam War.
The attack upon the USS Liberty! A false flag LIE to have the USA at war with Egypt.
9/11! A false flag LIE to bring the USA into serial wars against innocent Arab nations.
Libya must be liberated from Khadafy! A false flag created by the US as excuse for more imperialism.
Ukraine must be Liberated from Russians! A false flag created by US-funded rent a mob.
We have had endless 'created' lies—virtually ALL fomented by the New World Order elite as part of their plan and purposes by design.
Keep in mind that the New World Order likes to use the "divide and conquer" tactic to keep people fighting with each other instead of focusing on the world leaders who are pulling the strings.
Why is there a North Korea and a South Korea?
Why was there a North Vietnam and a South Vietnam?
Look at something far more dramatic. Look at how the New World Order divided Pakistan from India in this map. This is extreme "divide and conquer" designed to have future conflicts when the time is right.
The USA govt FORCED Vietnam into separating north and south when the USA military took over the war from France. The USA govt said it would only be temporary until things could be sorted out. BOTH the north and the south wanted to be joined, but the USA govt needed a boogeyman to keep the war going so that the spy grid and other black ops projects would continue under cover of war.
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