America's War On Poverty
For 50 years, America has been fighting a "declared war" on poverty. How is that war going? Are there fewer homeless people now? Or more? Is there fewer unemployed people now? Or more? Are there fewer people who are employed below their skill level now? Or more?
If a "war" is declared by the government, you can be certain citizens are not going to benefit and the cause they have declared "war on" is not going to be impacted in a positive way. Whether it is a "war" on poverty, drugs, or terrorism, it makes no difference. When the government declares "war" on something there will be additional loss of freedom and more issues will be created as a result of the declaration of "war"... everyone pays the price.
The Satanic US government is always declaring "war" on something. They tell us what they are doing, if we have eyes to see and ears to hear. It identifies the social arena in which they plan to cause additional destruction. When they declare "war" on something or someone, - it means death, increase, loss of freedom, control and destruction not resolution of the "issue" they have declared "war" upon.
Soon, the Satanic government will implement "laws" governing helping the poor and feeding the hungry, etc., in an attempt to block or prevent Believers in Jesus Christ from reaching out, sharing the Gospel, helping and discipling new Believers.
Do you really understand the mission which Jesus gave His followers?
Was the command just to win new converts? Did He challenge them to conduct city wide rallies and build great church buildings? Did He tell them the priority was feeding and clothing the poor?
Let us read His instructions:
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. (Matthew 28:19-20)
Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. (Colossians 1:27-28)
The priority was going to all nations, teaching them the Gospel, baptizing them, and then providing further follow up teaching on all Jesus had commanded.
This was the priority. It still should be the priority.
You can spend your life in many different ways. You can do good works such as helping the poor, feeding the hungry, etc. But you must do one thing if you are to fulfill the mission of Jesus: You must participate in the reaching of all nations with the Gospel message. All other activities - such as reaching out to the poor, - are valid only as they contribute to this priority.
Jesus could have spent all His time feeding and clothing the poor. He could have built a big church building in Jerusalem. There are many methods He could have used. But Jesus chose the greatest key of spiritual multiplication. He knew that by investing His life in a few faithful men a multiplication process would begin that would never end. His concern was not with programs to reach the multitudes, but with men capable of reaching the masses.
Jesus did not teach through verbal instruction alone. He demonstrated what He taught. He taught healing and demonstrated it by healing the sick. He taught the authority of the believer over Satan and demonstrated it by casting out demons. He taught concern for the poor and illustrated it by feeding the multitudes.
The disciples were not only students, they were eye witnesses to the demonstration of God's power.They later said they were teaching "That which we have seen and heard" as "eye witnesses" (I John 1:1).
Jesus taught by example. He demonstrated what He said by how He lived and ministered. He said: For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you. (John 13:15)
The demonstration of God's power makes people listen to your message:
And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. (Acts 8:6)
Paul spoke not only of the truth of the Gospel (Galatians 2:5) but of the power of the Gospel (Romans 1:16). He declared and demonstrated the Gospel (I Corinthians 2:1,4).
Mere knowledge is not enough. To be effective, knowledge must be applied. There comes a time for action.The disciples not only listened to the teachings of Jesus and observed the demonstrations of power, they also participated. Teaching a subject is not enough to assure learning. Teaching alone is like trying to learn brain surgery by reading a book.
Disciples must have actual experience in what they are learning. They must gain experience in how to share the Gospel, how to pray for the sick, how to cast out demons, etc. Jesus provided such opportunities for His disciples. Read Mark 6:7-13 and Luke 9:1-6
Jesus sent His disciples out to experience what they had been taught. Make sure your disciples become doers of the Word and not hearers only.
When the disciples of Jesus returned from their ministry trip, Jesus evaluated their efforts (Luke 9:10). Throughout the entire training process Jesus supervised His disciples. They were not left alone in their struggles. He was there to correct, rebuke, and encourage them.
There are many social needs in the world today. There are poor people who need to be fed, clothed, and sheltered. There are people who need medical care and jobs. There are educational and political problems which need correction.
These are real needs to which Believers can minister in the name of Jesus. But often the emphasis of ministry shifts to the saving of society (ie: resolving the issues of poverty) rather than sharing the Gospel and the salvation of souls.
The woman at the well had a physical need for water but Jesus gave priority to her spiritual need (see John 4). The chief calling of Believers is not resolve poverty in society, but to share the Gospel - salvation of souls of spiritually destitute men and women and discipleship.
Religious social gatherings (churches), social involvement and intellectual pursuits will not satisfy hungry people seeking the Bread of Life (Jesus).
Unbelief hinders spiritual growth and multiplication. Believers in Christ, must believe that achievement of the purpose of evangelism and discipleship is possible through faith (Mark 6:15).
Unbelief must be replaced with faith. Faith is increased by renewed emphasis on God's Word. People must begin to act in faith. Faith must be combined with works to be effective (James 2:26).
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