Prayer of Praise, Thankfulness and Adoration of God
In Psalm 34:1, the psalmist declares His commitment to praise God, "I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth."
The Psalmist states that his lifestyle will be characterized by praise to God.
The Christian's lips and life are to be characterized by the same commitment.
Every believer should express to God that He is great and glorious, that He is worthy of all our love, our praise, our adoration, our obedience and our service.
In Psalm 22:23, God reveals that we should strive to adore Him. It is our privilege and responsibility to grow in our ability to adore God:
"Ye that fear the Lord, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Israel." (Psalm 22:23).
"I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee." (Psalm 138:1).
"My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord: and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever." (Psalm 145:21)
"By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name." (Hebrews 13:15).
Praise should be the daily pursuit of every child of God. Every Believer in Jesus Christ should desire to praise God.
We must move beyond the desire to praise Him to a deeper understanding of adoration and how we can adore God in fresh and powerful ways.
The believer must learn how to adore God.
The Bible provides several motivations for learning how to adore God. The most obvious reason is because God is worthy to be adored. Because of
who He is, He should receive our heartfelt adoration.
Praise makes an enormous difference in our relationship with God.
Praise sets the tone for praying (Psalm 100:4).
When we adore God, we enter in to His Presence. Our focus is on God. Praise and adoration slows us down and reminds us of WHO God is, and HIS Character.
Praise builds faith (Matthew 21:22; James 5:15).
When we adore God, our focus is on Him.
Our faith increases as we focus on the God of the circumstances not our circumstances. Adoring God strengthens our faith in Him.
In Psalm 4:3, we learn that praise increases our intimacy with God (Psalm 4:3).
We grow in our understanding of Him as we praise Him. We learn more about His character and have deeper intimacy with Him. Praise draws us closer to the Heart of God and a deeper level of intimacy with Him. As we praise Him, the power of God is released (Psalm 22:3).
God inhabits or is enthroned in the praises of His people. He is powerfully
present, will show His Power, and manifest His Power when His people praise Him. When praise flows out of a believer, power of God comes down.
In Hebrews 13:15, we learn that praise is the responsibility and privilege of every believer in Jesus Christ.
The death and resurrection of Jesus made it possible to enter in to the presence of God.
Praise creates humility before our Heavenly Father (1 Peter 5:5-6). We see how great and mighty God is, we learn how dependent we are on God and we cross over to learn that we need to depend on Him for every aspect of our lives. We surrender our lives totally and we become dependent on God for every aspect of our lives.
Adoration of God breaks the strongholds of the sin of self righteousness. Praise takes us to a place of brokenness and true repentance as we see ourselves for who we are in God's Eyes (1John 1:9).
When we adore God we focus on the holiness of God and how perfect God is. We see our sin in a new light and at a deeper level. Praise opens up our hearts and impacts our willingness to listen to God (1John 5:14).
Many times we have an agenda when we approach God. We ask God according to our will and agenda not His. Adoration fixes our faith on God's Wisdom, His Goodness, and His Power.
As adoration of God increases, the more submissive we are to His Will.
God is worthy of our praise, adoration and thankfulness. These three daily practices will transform a Believers walk with Jesus Christ and bring closer intimacy with the Lord.
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