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These videos are provided for the edification, teaching and encouragement of Believers in Jesus Christ. We encourage you to search the scriptures in the King James Bible for yourself daily, to confirm what is being said is Truth. Do not take anyone's word for anything.
We don't know when this website will become unavailable, but please consider preserving the free Berean Bible software now, along with your selection of videos and articles. Making DVDs will allow you to share that information with other people when it is no longer available online.
Louie Giglio
001 MUST SEE Louie Giglio - Laminin 9 min.wmv
Aaron Russo
002 Aaron Russo - America, Freedom to Fascism 108 min.wmv
003 Aaron Russo - His Final Interview 69 min.wmv
David Wegener
020 David Wegener - 9-11 Changed America 140 min.wmv
021 David Wegener - Barbed Wire on America 141 min.wmv
022 David Wegener - End Times Shocker (prior to 9-11) 149 min.wmv
023 David Wegener - Freedom to Facism 163 min.wmv
024 David Wegener - Freemasons 162 min.wmv
025 David Wegener - Great Deception 202 min.wmv
026 David Wegener - Media Coverups 157 min.wmv
027 David Wegener - NWO Apostate Church 215 min.wmv
Kent Hovind
028 Kent Hovind - Creation Seminar 1 105 min.wmv
029 Kent Hovind - Creation Seminar 2 115 min.wmv
030 Kent Hovind - Creation Seminar 3 148 min.wmv
031 Kent Hovind - Creation Seminar 4 162 min.wmv
032 Kent Hovind - Creation Seminar 5 126 min.wmv
033 Kent Hovind - Creation Seminar 6 102 min.wmv
034 Kent Hovind - Creation Seminar 7 162 min.wmv
035 Kent Hovind - Depopulation 4 min.wmv
036 Kent Hovind - Evolution is Basis for Communism 104 min.wmv
037 Kent Hovind - NWO and Good Slaves 2 min.wmv
Michael Rood
038 Michael Rood - Feast of the Lord 1 158 min.wmv
039 Michael Rood - Feast of the Lord 2 157 min.wmv
040 Michael Rood - Feast of the Lord 3 160 min.wmv
041 Michael Rood - Feast of the Lord 4 157 min.wmv
042 Michael Rood - Secret of Solomon's Temple 151 min.wmv
Mike DeSario
043 Mike DeSario - Billy Graham Exposed 54 min.wmv
044 Mike DeSario - Billy Graham is a Blind Leader 46 min.wmv
045 Mike DeSario - Coming to Christ 24 min.wmv
046 Mike DeSario - Examine Yourself 54 min.wmv
047 Mike DeSario - How to Overcome Sin 49 min.wmv
Stan Monteith
048 Stan Monteith - Brotherhood of Darkness 104 min.wmv
049 Stan Monteith - World Revolution 88 min.wmv
Ralph Epperson
089 Ralph Epperson - America's Secret Destiny 176 min.wmv
090 Ralph Epperson - The New World Order 1 97 min.wmv
091 Ralph Epperson - The New World Order 2 114 min.wmv
092 Ralph Epperson - The New World Order 3 101 min.wmv
093 Ralph Epperson - The New World Order 4 97 min.wmv
094 Ralph Epperson - The New World Order 5 107 min.wmv
095 Ralph Epperson - The New World Order 6 108 min.wmv
096 Ralph Epperson - The New World Order 7 111 min.wmv
Joe Schimmel
097 Joe Schimmel - Occult Agenda (Harry Potter) 90 min.wmv
Keith Thompson
098 Keith Thompson - Exposing the Satanic Empire 76 min.wmv
099 Keith Thompson - NWO Facts 2008 69 min.wmv
100 Keith Thompson - Zeitgeist Refuted 91 min.wmv
Zac Poonen
101 Zac Poonen - How to Escape Deception 61 min.wmv
102 666 Anti-Christ Revealed 10 min.wmv
103 666 Anti-Christ, Number of the Beast 4 min.wmv
104 666 Calculation of the Man 56 min.wmv
105 666 Everywhere 1 4 min.wmv
106 666 Everywhere 2 4 min.wmv
107 666 Everywhere 3 Satanic Hand Signs 5 min.wmv
108 666 is Real (movie trailer) 3 min.wmv
109 666 Microchips, Idiot Cop Takes a Chip 10 min.wmv
110 666 Microchips, These are for YOU, not Fluffy 7 min.wmv
111 666 Numbering by the Beast 6 min.wmv
112 666 Vatican 1 6 min.wmv
113 666 Vatican 2 10 min.wmv
114 666 We are under Attack 13 min.wmv
115 Biblical Prophecies and NWO 1 8 min.wmv
116 Biblical Prophecies and NWO 2 10 min.wmv
117 Biblical Prophecies and NWO 3 6 min.wmv
118 Catholic - Pope and the New World Order 5 min.wmv
119 Catholic - Roman Catholicism is from Hell 4 min.wmv
120 Catholic - Satanism In Orthodox Catholic Church 6 min.wmv
121 Catholic - Scarlet Beast is the Vatican 9 min.wmv
122 Catholic - Scarlet Threat 21 min.wmv
123 Catholic - Whore of Babylon 22 min.wmv
124 Catholic - Whore Rides the Beast 10 min.wmv
125 Catholic - Why I'm not a Catholic anymore 9 min.wmv
126 Cults, How to Create Your Own 13 min.wmv
127 Disney is Satanic 6 min.wmv
128 End Times of the Bible 6 min.wmv
False Preacher
129 False Preacher - Billy Graham 1 What's Going On 10 min.wmv
130 False Preacher - Billy Graham 2 Billy is Going to Hell 7 min.wmv
131 False Preacher - Billy Graham 3 Larry King 2 min.wmv
132 False Preacher - Church of Oprah Exposed 9 min.wmv
133 False Preacher - Lying about Submission to Civil Govt 10 min.wmv
134 False Preacher - Who are the Wicked 6 min.wmv
135 False Teachings in the Last Days 9 min.wmv
136 Holidays - Christmas Before Jesus Christ was Born 2 min.wmv
137 Holidays - Christmas is the Way of the Heathen 3 min.wmv
138 Holidays - Christmas, Great Deception of Santa Claus 3 min.wmv
139 Holidays - Christmas, Oh Christmas Tree.wmv
140 Holidays - Christmas, Who Invented It 11 min.wmv
141 Holidays - Halloween 6 min.wmv
142 Holidays - Halloween + Origin of Birthdays 7 min.wmv
Marks of Cain
143 Marks of Cain - Satan's Symbol 9 min.wmv
144 Marks of Cain 1 3 min.wmv
145 Marks of Cain 2 7 min.wmv
146 Marks of Cain 3 7 min.wmv
147 Mormon - Jesus vs Joseph Smith 87 min.wmv
148 Mormon - Mormon Conspiracy 60 min.wmv
149 Mormon - Mormonism Exposed 3 min.wmv
150 Mormon - Mormons Become gods 4 min.wmv
151 Mormon - Untold Story of Joseph Smith's Death 26 min.wmv
152 Soon 5 min.wmv
153 The Great Deceiver 4 min.wmv
154 The Great Falling Away 7 Min.wmv
155 V for Vendetta = V for Vatican 20 min.wmv
World's Last Chance
156 World's Last Chance - 1st Beast of Rev 13 10 min.wmv
157 World's Last Chance - 2nd Beast of Rev 13 10 min.wmv
158 World's Last Chance - Forgotten Commandment 6 min.wmv
159 Zeitgeist is Exposed and Refuted as Satan's 11 min.wmv
160 1946 What is Despotism 10 min.wmv
161 1947 Nazi Takeover of US Secret Government 22 min.wmv
162 1963 JFK - (End of The Innocence) 5 Miin.wmv
163 1963 JFK - 1960 Speech at the Houston Ministers 5 min.wmv
164 1963 JFK - 9-11 and the Emergence of the NWO 6 min.wmv
165 1963 JFK - A Tale of Two Caskets 3 min.wmv
166 1963 JFK - Assassination 10 min.wmv
167 1963 JFK - Body Guards called off Car 10 min.wmv
168 1963 JFK - Disguise and Deception 37 min.wmv
169 1963 JFK - FBI Hoover, L.B.J., Warren Commision 15 min.wmv
170 1963 JFK - Grassy Knoll Treason 15 min.wmv
171 1963 JFK - It Was Johnson 10 min.wmv
172 1963 JFK - Jim Garrison on the JFK Assassination 3 min.wmv
173 1963 JFK - OPEN UP your Eyes! 10 min.wmv
174 1963 JFK - Speech that Sealed His Fate 29 min.wmv
175 1963 JFK - The Press 20 min.wmv
176 1969 Moon - We Did NOT Land on the Moon 44 min.wmv
177 1969 Moon - We Never Went to the Moon 6 min.wmv
178 1993 Waco - The Big Lie 31 min.wmv
179 1995 OKC Bombing - 2 Unexploded Bombs found 4 min.wmv
180 1995 OKC Bombing Cover-up 52 min.wmv
181 1995 OKC Bombing was an Inside Job 28 min.wmv
182 1995 OKC Bombing, Forerunner to 9-11 59 min.wmv
183 1995 OKC Bombing, Waco, Communism (General Partin) 43 min.wmv
184 1996 TWA Flight 800 was Shot Down by a Missile 58 min.wmv
185 2001 9-11 America's Loss of Freedom 30 min.wmv
186 2001 9-11 and 2005 7-7 London Bombing Connection 52 min.wmv
187 2001 9-11 Attacks Engineered to Justify U.S. Policies 31 min.wmv
188 2001 9-11 Cheney Command and Control (Michael Ruppert) 29 min.wmv
189 2001 9-11 How the Myth was Sold 10 min.wmv
190 2001 9-11 Some Questions to Answer 7 min.wmv
191 2001 9-11 The War on Truth 41 min.wmv
192 2001 9-11 Total Proof that Bombs were Planted 10 min.wmv
193 2001 9-11 Two Screens, Two Pills 10 min.wmv
194 2001 9-11 Who Knew 1 Bush and his Lying Crew 5 min.wmv
195 2001 9-11 Who Knew 2 Lone Gunmen TV Show(6 months before 9-11).wmv
196 2001 9-11 World Trade Center Building 7(Barry Jennings).wmv
197 2008 Kucinich 2008 0725 Bush Impeachment 7 min.wmv
198 Bush - Bush Passes Hitler Type Laws 9 min.wmv
199 Bush - Family Legacy From JFK Assasination to 911 7 min.wmv
200 Bush - Meet the Bush Family 22 min.wmv
201 Bush - Nazi Crime Family History.wmv
Cell Phone
202 Cell Phone - FBI Listening In 1 min.wmv
203 Cell Phone - Towers In Disguise 5 min.wmv
204 Chemtrail Conspiracy 4 min.wmv
205 Chemtrails - Clouds of Death 24 min.wmv
206 Chemtrails 2008 0225 5 min.wmv
207 CIA - Agents Confirm CIA is Behind Terrorism 45 min.wmv
208 CIA - CIA Chief John Stockwell, Covert Wars 6 min.wmv
209 CIA - CIA Killed Robert Kennedy 15 min.wmv
210 CIA - CIA, Drugs, and the US Economy 10 min.wmv
211 CIA - Crack Epidemic 11 min.wmv
212 CIA - Crack the CIA 9 min.wmv
213 CIA - Ex-DEA Head says CIA Imported Cocaine 1 min.wmv
214 CIA - Gary Webb on CIA Trafficking of Cocaine 8 min.wmv
215 CIA - Guns, Drugs, Bank Fraud, CIA Golden Triangle 7 min.wmv
216 CIA - John Stockwell (Ex CIA) - Covert Operations 6 min.wmv
217 CIA - LTC Bo Gritz 1988 CIA Drug Dealing 9 min.wmv
218 CIA - Nazis in CIA, How the Cold War Began 10 min.wmv
219 Economy - BBC Propaganda on Cashless Society 3 min.wmv
220 Economy - Coming Control of ALL Food Supplies 4 min.wmv
221 Economy - Total Collapse of Global Economy 11 min.wmv
222 Economy - U.S. Dollar vs Gold Standard 5 min.wmv
223 Economy - Ultimate American Dollar Collapse 10 min.wmv
224 Economy - USA Economy Falls 2008 2 min.wmv
225 Economy - Violent Street Protests During Great Depression 1 min.wmv
226 Environmentalism Used to Destroy America 40 min.wmv
227 Eugenics - Sir Francis Galton, Father of Eugenics 10 min.wmv
228 Eugenics - War on the Weak 10 min.wmv
229 Freedom - Do You Think that You are Free 2 min.wmv
230 Georgia Guidestones 7 min.wmv
231 HAARP 10 min.wmv
232 Hegel, the Media, Conspiracy Theories and You 22 min.wmv
Jordan Maxwell
233 Jordan Maxwell - All Capital Letters = Corporate 2 min.wmv
234 Jordan Maxwell - America, the New Roman Empire 9 min.wmv
235 Jordan Maxwell - Vatican, Nazis and the USA 10 min.wmv
Mark Dice
236 Mark Dice 1 Michael Reagan Solicits Murder 9 min.wmv
237 Mark Dice 2 On Michael Reagan Show 11 min.wmv
238 Mark Dice 3 On Michael Reagan Show 11 min.wmv
Martial Law
239 Martial Law - It's in Your Future 6 min.wmv
240 Martial Law - MTV Commercial 1 30 sec.wmv
241 Martial Law - MTV Commercial 2 30 sec.wmv
242 Martial Law - Officer Jack McLamb 2 min.wmv
243 Martial Law - Plan to Suspend the Constitution 6 min.wmv
244 Martial Law - The Beginning 10 min.wmv
245 Martial Law - U.S Heading Towards Martial Law 10 min.wmv
246 Masons - Invisibly Visible (Masonic Symbols) 25 min.wmv
247 Masons - Pentagram 4 min.wmv
248 NAFTA - Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur 7 min.wmv
249 NAU & Verichip 9 min.wmv
250 NAU - Jerome Corsi - Dangers of NAU 28 min.wmv
251 NEVER Give Up Your Guns 5 mins.wmv
252 NWO - 4th Reich and Arnold Schwarzenegger 15 min.wmv
253 NWO - A Crash Course 21 min.wmv
254 NWO - Bill Clinton Sells the NWO to US 5 min.wmv
255 NWO - Cartoon - Conspiracy Rock 2 min.wmv
256 NWO - Cartoon Network Promotes NWO to Kids 36s.wmv
257 NWO - Conspiracy Confessions 9 min.wmv
258 NWO - Conspiracy for Those Who Do Not Believe 6 min.wmv
259 NWO - EU + Microchips 7 min.wmv
260 NWO - Fake UFO Attack Plan 10 min.wmv
261 NWO - Freemason and Elks Symbolism 3 min.wmv
263 NWO - Global Government 30 min.wmv
264 NWO - Global Rule by Secret Elite 10 min.wmv
265 NWO - Hexagram in Satanism and Freemasonry 9 min.wmv
266 NWO - How to Rule the World 1 min.wmv
267 NWO - Illuminati and New World Order 11 min.wmv
268 NWO - Illuminati Symbolism - Open your Mind 6 min.wmv
269 NWO - Masons & Occultic Symbolism 5 min.wmv
270 NWO - Nazi Ideology and Hypothesis of Evolution 15 min.wmv
271 NWO - New World Order on Trial 8 min.wmv
272 NWO - North American Union Police 30 secs.wmv
273 NWO - NWO Dirtbags 39 min.wmv
274 NWO - Quotations 10 min.wmv
275 NWO - Secret Language of the NWO 11 min.wmv
276 NWO - Walter Cronkite and Hillary Clinton are NWO Traitors 2 min.wmv
277 NWO - World of Terror 4 min.wmv
278 Population Reduction thru Food( 5 min.wmv
279 Rock and Roll Music - The Plot Behind It 10 min.wmv
Secret Combinations
280 Secret Combination Logos 4 min.wmv
281 Secret Combination Logos (more) 4 min.wmv
282 Secret Combinations 3 min.wmv
283 SS The Satanic Thunderbolt 3 min.wmv
TV News
284 TV News - 1 Controlled News Media Since 1917 5 min.wmv
285 TV News - 60 Minutes Censored 9-11 Interview 7 min.wmv
286 TV News - China's Organ Harvesting 7 min.wmv
287 TV News - China's Organ Harvesting - Concentration Camps 2 min.wmv
288 TV News - China's Organ Harvesting - From Prisoners 4 min.wmv
289 TV News - Elite's Depopulation Program 2 min.wmv
290 TV News - FOX Fires Truth Telling Reporters 10 min.wmv
291 TV News - Hurricane Katrina - FEMA Not Helping People 9 min.wmv
292 TV News - Martial Law Training in Indiana Propaganda 3 min.wmv
293 TV News - Military Spraying the Sky 1 min.wmv
294 TV News - Poisoned Food from China 1 min.wmv
295 TV News - Reality vs Corporate Media 48 min.wmv
296 TV News - Reporter says 'No Plane Hit Pentagon' 1 min.wmv
297 TV News - The Truth Behind Mainstream News 5 min.wmv
298 TV News - UnGodly Clergy Betray Americans 2 min.wmv
299 TV News - US Military Coverup of Deadly Vaccinations 7 min.wmv
300 TV News - Water Powered Car 1 2 min.wmv
301 TV News - Water Powered Car 2 3 min.wmv
302 TV News - Water Powered Car 3 7 min.wmv
303 TV News - Water Powered Car 4 9 min.wmv
304 US 14 Characteristics of Fascism 3 min.wmv
305 US 14th Amendment - Citizen or citizen 10 min.wmv
306 US 30 Little Known Facts about America 6 min.wmv
307 US Agenda 21 - Sustainable Development 10 min.wmv
308 US America's Torturous Prison System 10 min.wmv
309 US Congressman Tim Ryan (Ohio) speaks Truth 2 min.flv.wmv
310 US Constitution - The Preamble 11 min.wmv
311 US Dollar Bills (5,20,50,100) Hidden Pictures 3 min.wmv
312 US Federal Reserve - Forgotten History 10 min.wmv
313 US Federal Reserve, the IRS & Communism 10
314 US FEMA Concentration Camps 10 min.wmv
315 US FEMA Concentration Camps 8 min.wmv
316 US FEMA Says Founding Fathers were Terrorists 2 min.wmv
317 US How Long will Americans Stay Apathetic 5 min.wmv
318 US is a Corporation 5 min.wmv
319 US is a Corporation, not a Country (bad language) 10 min.wmv
320 US is a War Monger 3 min.wmv
321 US Soldier Exposes US Policy in Iraq 10 min.wmv
322 US Soldiers Being Poisoned by Govt in Iraq 4 min.wmv
323 US The War on Truth 42 min.wmv
324 US They Stole our Freedom 9 min.wmv
325 US Voluntary Servitude by Deception 10 min.wmv
326 US Wake-Up America, the Nazis are Here 9 min.wmv
327 US What Govt Doesn't Want You to Know 6 min.wmv
328 Water Can Burn, So It Can Be a Fuel Source 1 min.wmv
329 What a Nightmare 9 min.wmv
330 What!!! - High School Shaped Like a Gun 1 min.wmv
331 What!!! - Swastika Building, Coronado Naval Base 2 min.wmv
332 Your Honor 8 min.wmv
333 Abortion, Rock Music, Freemasonry (disturbing images) 55 min.wmv
Al Cuppett
334 Al Cuppett - Black Ops and Prophecy 150 min.wmv
335 Al Cuppett - I AM vs the NWO 75 min.wmv
336 Al Cuppett - Pearls for the Very Elect 96 min.wmv
337 Al Cuppett - Time Out Productions Interview 28 min.wmv
338 Al Cuppett - Twin Brothers Church 107 min.wmv
339 Biblical End Times Prophecies 114 min.wmv
340 Jack McLamb 1993 The Coming Police State 38 min.wmv
348 The Holy Roman Empire Rules Today 194 min.wmv
Lindsey Williams
349 Lindsey Williams - Energy Non-Crisis 75 min.wmv
350 Lindsey Williams - Syndrome of Control 69 min.wmv
351 Lindsey Williams - Torn from the Land 64 min.wmv
Ted Gunderson
352 Ted Gunderson (ret FBI) - CIA and Satanism.wmv
353 Ted Gunderson (ret FBI) - FBI had 9-11 Foreknowledge 29 min.wmv
354 Ted Gunderson (ret FBI) - Great Conspiracy Exposed 64 min.wmv
355 Ted Gunderson (ret FBI) - North Vietnam Surrendered in 1973 1 min.wmv
Pastor John Weaver - Rapture of the Wicked
Labyrinth of Truth Series
Labyrinth of Truth 00 Intro.mp4
Labyrinth of Truth 02 The Goddess.mp4
Labyrinth of Truth 03 Sirius in Architecture.avi
Labyrinth of Truth 04 Isis Osiris Horus.avi
Labyrinth of Truth 05 New Millenium Ritual.avi
Labyrinth of Truth 06 Order out of Chaos.avi
Labyrinth of Truth 07 UFO Phenomenon.avi
Labyrinth of Truth 08 The Fallen.avi
Labyrinth of Truth 09 Evolution Hoax.avi
Labyrinth of Truth 10 The Paranormal.avi
Labyrinth of Truth 11 Paranormal Phenomenon.avi
Labyrinth of Truth 12 The One Eyed Demon.avi
The Truth About Facebook.mp4
Hitler vs King James Bible KJV ONLYISM MUST SEE.mp4
Devil in the Vatican Series
Devil in the Vatican 01.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 02.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 03.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 04.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 05.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 06.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 07.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 08.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 09.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 10.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 11.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 12.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 13.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 14.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 15.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 16.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 17.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 18.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 19.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 20.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 21.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 22.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 23.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 24.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 25.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 26.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 27.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 28.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 29.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 30.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 31.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 32.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 33.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 34.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 35.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 36.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 37.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 38.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 39.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 40.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 41.wmv
Devil in the Vatican 42.wmv