


Scripture Prayers For Emotional Healing

The following are Scripture-based prayers that you can use to plead for emotional healing.

You may use these or develop your own from them. You might even consider adapting them in order to pray for your own emotional healing.


The crucial issue is to seek God for the release of His healing into damaged and wounded emotions.

Father, You are the Healer of the brokenhearted. You declare that You bind up their wounds. Because it is Your nature to heal, I ask You to heal _________________ of all his/her emotional wounds. By Your love and power, remove the hurt and anger that ________________ is experiencing. Help him/her move on to emotional wholeness (Psalm 147:3).

Father, I ask that _______________ would trust in You as his/her Healer. Build his/her faith to depend on You as his/her Healer. Reveal to ____________ that You are filled with mercy and grace. Convict him/her of Your willingness and ability to heal him/her (Psalm 103:8, 11).

Father, You are ______________’s Creator. You have made his/her emotions. These emotions have been wounded; they have been torn apart. Sinful, negative emotions have been cultivated into his/her life. I plead for You to release Your power into his/her life. Remove the sinful, negative emotions that resulted from his/her emotional wounds. Heal ___________ so that he/she can experience emotional health and wholeness (Genesis 1:27).

Father, _____________ has experienced deep emotional wounds. But I ask You to deliver him/her out of all of these. Heal ___________ and cause him/her to grow from these wounds (Psalm 34:19).

Father, You promise to be near those who are brokenhearted. I pray that You would grant _____________ a deeper experience of Your presence. Surround him/her with Your love. Cause him/her to know that You love him/her without reservation (Psalm 34:18).

Father, You sent Jesus to heal the brokenhearted. You sent Him to set the captives free. I plead in the name of Jesus that ____________ would experience complete emotional healing. In the name of Jesus, I pray that _____________ would be set free from every past hurt that binds him/her. Through Your Son Jesus, heal _____________ and grant him/her freedom from the consequences of his/her past hurts (Luke 4:18-19).

Father, I ask in the name of Jesus that You would bind Satan and his demons from _____________. In the name of Jesus, I plead that they would no longer harass or oppress ______________ through his/her emotional wounds. Deliver him/her from the attacks of the enemy through past emotional wounds. Heal him/her and cut off every avenue of the enemy in _______________’s life (1 Peter 5:8).


Father, I ask You to set _____________ free from any unforgiveness in his/her life. Deeply convict him/her of any unforgiveness that he/she is harboring. Through Your grace and power, enable him/her to release the debt, the anger, and the damage into Your hands. I plead that he/she would forgive as You do
for the sake of Christ (Matthew 6:14-15; Ephesians 4:32).

Father, grant ____________ the strength and help to face the wounds of the past. I plead that ___________ will not neglect or suppress the hurt or the pain. Empower him/her to face these things, to seek You for healing, and move on by Your grace and power. I pray that _____________’s past would no
longer hurt, hinder, or destroy ________’s present and future (Hebrews 13:5-6, 8).

Father, I pray that You would cultivate the fruit of Spirit in ______________’s life. I plead with You to transform _____________. Root out the sinful, negative emotions that have been cultivated in his/her life. Replace these things with Your fruit (Galatians 5:22-23).

Father, _____________ has been wounded. Yet, I plead for Your healing in his/her life. I ask that ____________ would forget those things that happened in the past and would press on to Your purpose and Your blessings for his/her future. I plead that ________________ would keep his/her eyes focused
on You. I ask that _____________ would continue to seek You and experience to the fullest what You have purposed for him/her (Philippians 3:13).

Father, emotional hurts can produce sinful, negative attitudes and behaviors that can hinder and destroy relationships. I ask You to grant emotional healing to ___________. I pray that You would deal with any sinful attitudes or behaviors in ___________’s life that would hinder his/her relationships. I plead that You would grant _____________ healthy, godly relationships
(Matthew 22:39).

Father, I plead that You would enable ____________ confess and repent of any sinful responses to his/ her emotional wounds. I pray that ___________ would not see himself/herself as a victim, but would take responsibility for his/her responses (1 John 1:9; Proverbs 28:13).

Father, I pray that You would deliver ___________ from harsh, negative attitudes about himself/herself. Cause him/her to know that there is hope, peace, and healing with You. Show him/her that You can transform his/her broken heart (Exodus 15:26).

Soaking prayer is saturating a person with prayer. It is pleading for the release of God’s healing power through numerous short prayers. You can do this as an individual. Yet, it is usually most effective as two or more believers pray in agreement, continually covering the person in prayer.

The following are short requests that you can use to soak a person in God’
s power and love so that they can experience emotional healing.

Release Your healing power into _________’s life; be gracious to him/her.
Cause ____________ to sense and know Your love as never before his/her life.
Open his/her eyes to those wounds that have _____________ bound and hurting.

Remove the pain from _____________’s life; fill his/her wounds with Your mercy.

Set _________ free from unforgiveness; deliver him/her from harboring unforgiveness.

Remove anger and hatred from __________’s life; replace it with love.

Remove depression and despair from ____________’s life; replace it with joy.

Remove fear and anxiety from ____________ and replace it with peace.

Remove resentment and temper from __________; replace it with longsuffering.

Remove bitterness and a critical spirit from _____________ replace it with kindness.

Remove selfishness from ____________ and replace it with goodness.

Fill ____________ with Your love; show him/her Your concern for him/her.
Cause him/her to seek You with all his/her heart.


Manifest Your power and grace by healing and blessing.




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