



EU Solidarity Clause is leading to a Militarisation of Home-Affairs Policy

"June 27, 2014 — "On Tuesday, the representatives of the EU Member States in the Council adopted a decision on the so-called 'solidarity clause'. Were a disaster or a loosely defined crisis to occur, the organs of the European Union would be obliged to assist using all the instruments at their disposal. This includes military resources", warned Member of the Bundestag Andrej Hunko . . . A country can invoke the "solidarity clause" if a crisis "overwhelms its response capacities." Mention is made of operational, policy and financial instruments and structures.

"The adoption at the General Affairs Council took place in secret: the point was not mentioned on the agenda of the meeting. The press was not informed. Yet this is one of the most controversial clauses contained in the EU treaties . . . The 'solidarity clause' is superfluous, since the EU already has mechanisms for mutual assistance in disaster situations. At the same time, however, the clause strengthens the course towards militarisation of home-affairs policy, since military personnel can be sent to another Member State on request." Read more: http://www.andrej-hunko.de/presse/2107-the-eu-solidarity-clause-is-leading-to-a-militarisation-of-home-affairs-policy


Press release of 24 June 2014 by the General Affairs Council: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/EN/genaff/143353.pdf







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